As the second part of my solo thesis exhibition "Transforming Land: Site Inspired Transfiguration," Featureless Void gathers its name from a description of the Bonneville Salt Flats. A featureless void not only defines the place in a sharp, concise way but also creates this empty pallet where one can imagine the possibilities. This void, an anomaly located amidst terrain allows me to think more openly about natural environment becoming this foundation for structure to be built. In a time of congestion, expansion, and sprawl sites as such that are protected allow an escape from all that is built. These images with renderings constructed atop the picture explore this idea of possibilities where the sculptures that rest on the floor explore the salt flats themselves; understanding these large evaporation pools, gravity fed and dyed on occasion to aide in the evaporative process become these huge abstractions only accessible and understood from satellite imagery.